
Another Post with Everything In It

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur quam augue, vehicula quis, tincidunt vel, varius vitae, nulla. Sed convallis orci. Duis libero orci, pretium a, convallis quis, pellentesque a, dolor. Curabitur vitae nisi non dolor vestibulum consequat.

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A Post With Everything In It

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur quam augue, vehicula quis, tincidunt vel, varius vitae, nulla. Sed convallis orci. Duis libero orci, pretium a, convallis quis, pellentesque a, dolor. Curabitur vitae nisi non dolor vestibulum consequat.

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Quotes Time!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur quam augue, vehicula quis, tincidunt vel, varius vitae, nulla. Sed convallis orci. Duis libero orci, pretium a, convallis quis, pellentesque a, dolor. Curabitur vitae nisi non dolor vestibulum consequat. Proin vestibulum. Ut ligula. Nullam sed dolor id odio volutpat pulvinar. Integer a leo. In et eros

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Another Text-Only Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend urna eu sapien. Quisque posuere nunc eu massa. Praesent bibendum lorem non leo. Morbi volutpat, urna eu fermentum rutrum, ligula lacus interdum mauris, ac pulvinar libero pede a enim. Etiam commodo malesuada ante. Donec nec ligula. Curabitur mollis semper diam.

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A Simple Post with Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend urna eu sapien. Quisque posuere nunc eu massa. Praesent bibendum lorem non leo. Morbi volutpat, urna eu fermentum rutrum, ligula lacus interdum mauris, ac pulvinar libero pede a enim. Etiam commodo malesuada ante. Donec nec ligula. Curabitur mollis semper diam.

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1.Their is a misconception that during menstrual periods loss of blood which takes place is proportionately large as compared to replacement of the blood by the body.

2.It is to be understood that the loss of blood during the periods is not greater than a cup full and since it is in a spilt stage thus its quantity looks larger.

3.So take out this misconception from your mind that you are feeling weak due to loss of blood during menses duration and thus go out and enjoy yourself to the fullest extent as weakness is more of a state of mind rather than physical.

4.Enjoy and only Enjoy by dispelling all wrong notuions.


Deep breathing and Pranayama have fascinating effects. Our health scientists tell us that our heart-the basic machine, which keeps us alive, is reported to have a lifetime of 2.75 billion beats and it takes approximately sixty five to seventy years to complete it depending upon our moods, manners and mistakes ! Our ancient sages tell us that it is possible to prolong out life span by three times, it only we reduce the speed of heartbeat by deep breathing. They lived to prove their statements . So there is a double advantage in deep breathing : improved health and increased life-span . What else do we need?


While we are rather more careful in regard to our food and drink, we are just casual or careless about the air we breathe. A factor which often eludes our attention is that our lungs have a capacity to take in, around six litres of air at a time but we breath in only one and a half litres of air per time. This means that we are content to breathe only around twenty five percent of our rated capacities. Here comes the necessity of deep and regulated breathing, which is also apart of the “Healing breath” techniques. The result improved health and longer lifespan.


1.The practice of Hatha Yoga has to be done every single day. It is not something that you can do three times a week – as is prescribed in some forms of exercises like aerobics, weightlifting etc. You may not have the time for a full session, but practice for at least a few minutes every single day. If you are constrained for time then ten minutes of Surya namaskar and five minutes of Shavasana is the minimum that should be done.

2.To keep our spines healthy and flexible; to keep our bodies light and strong; to enable us to enjoy our other spiritual practices daily practice of Yoga is a must. Daily practice of Yoga inculcates the discipline required to pursue spiritual practices.

3.If our practice of Yoga is to foster the union of body, breath and spirit, then it is necessary to start in the correct way.

4.Start with calming your mind. Focus on the activity you are about to undertake. Focus on the benefits you will reap from your practice. And most of all, approach your practice with the utmost respect for your – self.

5.Sit easily in a cross-legged position. Take your attention to your breath. Watch the breath flow in and out of your body. Do not attempt to force or change the pace of the breath. Within a short time you will find that the breath becomes longer and slower.

6.Once your breath has become slow and long, take your awareness to your body-to any part of the body that maybe feeling discomfort or pain at that point of time. Gently allow that part of the body to relax.

7.When your body feels comfortable and relaxed take your awareness to your thoughts. Do not resist the thoughts. Just watch them come. And watch them go. Soon your mind too will be still and relaxed.

8.You are now ready to begin your practice of Yoga. Does all the above sound like a lengthy way to prepare yourself? In the beginning it may take you a little longer, but with regular practice, in only a couple of minutes you will be ready to start.


1. Standing straight with feet together ; bring the palms together in the prayer (Namaste) position.

2. Breathing in, bring the arms forward and up, stretching as high as, possible ; gently arch the back by pushing the arms back and the pelvis out in front. The elbows and knees are straight, and the ears are between the biceps. You may tighten your buttocks to give support to your lower back.

3. Breathing out, bend forward. Place the hands on the floor. It is okay to bend the knees. With the hands on the floor make a gentle effort to straighten the knees.

4. Push the right leg back, placing the right knee on the floor with the sole the foot facing the ceiling.

5. Holding the breath, push the left leg back and bring the body into a straight line, keeping the knees straight.

6. Breathe out and pull back, taking the hips toward the heels and move into ashtanga namaskar; placing the toes, knees, chest and chin on the floor.

7. Breathing in go into the Bhujangasana : hands under the shoulders, elbows close to the body, heels together press the pelvis to the ground and lift up torso – focus on bending at the upper back. Do not hunch the shoulders. It is okay to keep the elbows bent.

8. Breathing out, come up on hands and feet in an inverted ‘V’ position – the downward dog. Push the heels towards the floor.

9. Breathing in, bring the right foot forward. Look up, keeping the left knee on the floor and left sole facing the ceiling.

10. Breathing out, bring the left foot alongside the right foot.

11. Breathing in, come up to standing position, stretching the arms straight up and back, pushing the pelvis out to the front. And exhale and release the stretch. This is half a round of Surya namaskar. To completer it, repeat from the beginning, moving the left leg instead of the right in the lunge positions (steps 4 and9). The sequence can be done at different speeds : fast, to warm the body and exercise the heart, or slowly to build and stretch the muscles.

12. Benefits :- Stretches spine, hamstrings and back of legs; strengthens leg, arm back and stomach muscles.


1. Warm up (5 minutes)

2. Strengthen the muscles (5 minutes)

3. Cardio vascular fitness (25-30 minutes)

4. Stretch for flexibility (10 minutes)

5. Cool down and relax (5-10 minutes)

Warm up is essential for loosening and increasing the blood circulation in the muscles and joints. Good exercises are skipping and jumping jacks and rotatory exercises for the torso like the yogic asana surya namaskar. Strengthening exercises are particularly valuable for the stomach and upper and lower extremities. Yogic asana are particularly valuable for improving flexibility cooling down help to remove lactic acid accumulated in the muscles.


Exercise (walking, jogging , swimming and cycling) is very important for good health because it improves your fitness level by improving your heart’s efficiency and your cardiovascular endurance level. If performed regularly exercise will lower your resting heart rate and blood pressure. Finally it will help to reduce your level of stress, anxiety, depression and raise your total sense of well being.


1. Dinner is better eaten before sunset.

2. Eat lightly, easily digestible food at night.

3. Avoid fried foods at night.

4. Lighter to digest foods like soups and boiled vegetables are good at night.

5. Avoid root tubers at night as these are difficult to digest.

6. Do not eat sour food at night. Sour food creates more urination which can disturb sleep.

7. Having milk boiled with raisins or dates at bed time gives good sleep and bowel movements the next morning.

8. Never sleep within 2 hours of eating ; this disturb the digestion.


1. Most digestion takes place at this time of the day, so lunch can be the heaviest meal of the day.

2. Ideally, one should rest (not sleep) for 45 minutes after lunch.

3. Never exert yourself physically just after lunch.

4. If a lot of physical activity must be done after lunch, it is best to eat lunch lightly.

5. It is best to eat lunch before mid-day.

6. Lunch is a meal where high – energy food can be eaten, to provide fuel for rest of the day.


1. Preferably eat only sattvic food for breakfast.

2. According to the constitution of the person, one can choose what to eat for breakfast.

(a) Juice.

(b) Fruit

(c) Cereals such as ragi or oats cooked as porridge.

(d) Rice or wheat preparations which are not too heavy.

(e) Avoid acidic food on an empty stomach.

(f) Never have greasy food or food that is too spicy or sour for breakfast.

(g) Fresh coconut juice is excellent for breakfast because it cools down the body and clams the mind. It creates an alkaline environment within the body, which supports the digestion throughout the day.


1. Drink one to two glasses of water every morning as soon as you get up.

2. Eat fresh, easily digestible food.

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables are better than juices.

4. Include a fresh vegetable salad in one meal daily.

5. Food should be warm, not too dry or too fluid.

6. Food more than 5-6 hours old is stale and should not be eaten.

7. Sip a little warm water with each meal. Too much water with food creates indigestion.

8. Eat more alkaline food than acidic food.

9. Seeds, nuts and pulses when sprouted become more alkaline and easily digestible.

10. Non – vegetarian food is acidic in nature and can produce toxins in the system. These should be avoided as they take more time to digest.

11. Avoid taking excessive quantities of tea, coffee or alcohol.

12. Tinned or canned food are less healthy than fresh food, they also create gas.

13. Do not re-heat food, this creates gas and is unhealthy.

14. Do not eat hot and cold food at the same meal ; it is not good for digestion.

15. Eating fermented food like cheese, yoghurt, sour cream etc at night is not good for digestion.

16. Saturated oils, white sugar and white bread are not good for health.


1. Frozen, refrigerated or re-heated food.

2. Fermented food:- It includes vinegar, cheese, pickles, ketchup, alcohol and food containing Yeast.

3. Tinned and canned foods.

4. Deep fried foods.

5. Refined foods :- It includes foods such as chocolates, sugar, candies, white flour, cakes and biscuits. Refined flour is used to make these foods. The flour is prepared by removing the fibrous covering from the grain which decreases the nutrient value to a great extent. Constipation and other problems result when the diet contains too much refined food.History is witness to this fact that in 1916 when the 3rd Indian Division was besieged by the Turks, Indian troops ate whole wheat chapattis and remained well, but British troops who subsisted on white bread, fell prey to Beri-Beri and other illness.

6. Sugar :- White sugar is considered as white poison. High intake of sugar is extremely harmful to the health. Too much sugar in the diet can cause acidity, dental cavities, osteo-porosis, high cholesterol levels and several other diseases in the body like migraine, hypertension and kidney disorders.

7. Salt : Heavily salted food may lead to circulatory diseases.

8. Carbonated Drinks :- Chemicals in the drinks are extremely harmful to the body. The carbonisation process is absolutely against the natural process of eliminating it. Digestive fire is highly impaired by these drinks because they are usually chilled and served extremely cold.


1. Our ancestors were given to toiling long hours in their factories and farms. The manual nature of their work gave them their exercise they needed. No wonder there were no aerobic classes in their times. As for us, we have been spoilt by the invasion of computers, push button phones, fast cars and other amenities in day to day life. To make matters worse, we soak ourselves in coffee, soft drinks and junk food. As far as exercise, they don’t exist.

2. Generally, what we choose to eat reflects our attitude towards life and health. If we presume food as a means of satisfying the taste buds and the stomach; paying no attention to our holistic will being, we may find ourselves having an unhealthy food habit.

3. The properties and actions of every food material available on this planet can be attributed to either, “Sattva”, “Rajas” or “Tamas”, known as the Trigunas. If we follow the principle of Trigunas, the food we choose to eat will be light and less spicy, which is more “static” in nature. In a healthy state of the body and mind, “sattvic” food appears more appealing. A “satvic” food brings about a feeling of lightness and alertness.


1. Thou shall eat breakfast.

2. Thou shall exercise regularly.

3. Thou shall manage thy weight.

4. Thou shall not snack between meals.

5. Thou shall not smoke.

6. Thou shall exercise moderation with drink.

7. Thou shall get seven to eight hours sleep nightly.


“Health is not mere absence of disease; Health is being established in the Self. It is the dynamic expression of life”

Health is

(a) Disease - free body.

(b) Quiver - free breath

(c) Stress - free Mind

(d) Inhibition - free Intellect

(e) Obsession - free Memory


1.Menstruation is a sign that you have become a woman.

2.Everybody has mood swings, highs and lows during periods.

3.Vaginal candidiasis is a common vaginal infection.

4.Vaginal candidiasis can be easily treated.

5.If you have repeated infections, consult a doctor immediately.

6.If you feel wet, it means your pad isn’t working.

7. Menopause is normal and natural and happens to all women.

8.A routine check- up helps early detection of problems.


1.After a vaginal delivery there is heavy, red flow for three or four days then a bloody discharge for five to seven days and finally a pinkish white staining for about two weeks.

2. During this time, the cervix may still be somewhat open so it is not advisable to use tampoons for absorption, Sanitary pads are fine.


1.You should consult your doctor before you start using birth control pills.

2.In addition to helping prevent cramps, birth control pills create totally regular and predictable cycles.

3.When the period comes, it is sometimes shorter and usually lighter than it was before birth control pills.

4.Sometimes there is no flow at all.

5.Inform your health care provider of this, as it may be a sign that you should be taking a pill with more estrogen effect.


1.Not all women get menstrual cramps, but most of us do have some discomfort.

2.Severe cramping is actually most common among teens and young women and often improves after a first pregnancy.

3.If you have a severe problem with cramps, medication is available to help ease the cramps and be taken in consultation with your doctor.


1.Yes. But spotting is not always normal.

2.When a woman ovulates, there can be some spotting which is perfectly normal.

3.Normal spotting can occur with some birth-control pills.

4.Spotting can be the warning sign of a number of different problems. So, when in any doubt, consult a health practitioner.


1.By definition, menopause is the absence of menstrual periods for 6-12 months in a row and an elevated FSH (follicle –stimulating hormone) level.

2.As menopause draws closer, many women experience changes in the characteristics of their periods. These may include irregular bleeding, periods that last for fewer or more days, and heavier or lighter flow. This usually occurs when a woman is in her forties. The average age of menopause (the last menstrual period) is 52.

3.No two women will experience menopause in exactly the same way. Some women have hot flashes, for example, and about twenty percent of women have no symptoms at all. For up to 10 percent of women, the symptoms are very mild, while about 20 percent of women have severe symptoms.

4. - Symptoms include Irregular periods - Hot flashes – Insomnia/hot sweats – Weight gain –Emotional effects – Bone loss (osteoporosis) –Dryness and thinning of vaginal walls and bladder.

5.Treatment for symptoms related to menopause are now highly developed – you should consult your doctor for the right treatment for you.


1.When using pad, you need to make sure you wear the right kind of panty. They should be well fitting so that the pad is held firmly in place to give you the right protection.

2.The crotch of your panty should be about 7-8 cm wide, so that the pad fits properly.

3.Keep a few pads and a clean pair of panties in your bag around the time of your period. That way, you’ll always be ready just in case your period comes a bit earlier than expected.

4.You can use pads all through your period, whether you are at home, at school or out having fun with your friends. You can just relax and enjoy yourself, knowing you are using the best protection possible by using sanitary napkins from a good company.

5.How often you change your pad depends on how heavy your flow is and the kind of pad you’re using. Near the beginning of your period, when the flow is heaviest, you may need to change the pad more frequently.


1.Pad should be thin and discreet and no one should know that one is wearing a sanitary pad.

2. The sticky part on the back should be able to keep the pad securely in place in your panty – so you can feel confident about rushing about and playing any sport you like.

3.It should be made of absorbent material which soaks up the menstrual fluid and converts it to gel – so that one need not worry about leaks or stains.


1. Wetness is the signal that one's pad may be about to leak.

2.A pad that does not feel wet, has less chance of being about to leak and cause a stain.

3.Wetness makes one feel uncomfortable. When one feel wet,one's mind is constantly on the pad and one is worried that the pad may be about to fail. A clean and dry pad will leave one without worry, so one can concentrate on whatever one is doing/performing.

4.Wetness can lead to growth of microbes and can cause infection.

5.Avoiding wetness, will help one to be more hygienic.


1.The test for a good pad is to ensure that NO WETNESS is felt while using sanitary pad

2.The best question is to ask oneself about one's sanitary napkin is as listed below:
"Does it make me feel wet" ? If the answer is yes,one should consider a change of the quality of sanitary napkins/pads/towels.


1.Vaginal candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease.

2.Sexual intercourse may worsen the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis and may result in passing on the infection to one's partner. Hence, it is a good idea to avoid sexual intercourse during an attack.

3.If one keep having repeated infection, it would be advisable for one's partner to see a doctor and seek treatment if required.

4.If you are experiencing any symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, please consult your doctor.


1.Try not to scratch or rub, especially with long fingernails.

2.Don’t wash yourself too harshly or with hot water.

3.Cool gentle rinsing is better.

4. Don’t rub yourself too hard with bath towels.

5. Avoid sexual intercourse.


1.Wear loose and comfortable clothing, preferably cotton.

2.Practice good toilet hygiene.

3.Dry off the vaginal area quickly and thoroughly after bathing.

4.Wipe from the front to the back after a bowel movement.

5.Avoid perfumed soaps and bath additives.

6. Try to reduce yur stress levels by regular exercise and activities.


1.Vaginal candidiasis can be easily treated with effective therapies, which inhibit the growth of yeast.

2.Treatment is available in the form of a simple, convenient single dose capsule taken by mouth, which can start working within hours and can provide rapid symptom relief within a day.

3. Moreover, being oral therapy, they avoid any staining and messiness associated with other types of medications like creams.

4. You should consult your doctor before taking the prescribed medicine.


1.The most common symptoms are as listed below:-

(a)Itching in and around the vagina, the most common and distressing symptom

(b)A thick (curdy) white, non-smelling vaginal discharge

(c) Soreness which becomes worse with rubbing and scratching

(d)Irritation/burning on urination.

(e)Pain during sexual intercourse Symptoms characteristically increase just before the onset of periods (menses).


1.It is difficult to say exactly the reasons which leads to vaginal candidiasis, but certain situations which may lead to vaginal candidiasis attack.

2. The reasons are as listed below: -

(a)Lowered immunity due to poor general health/stress/ illness.

(b)Use of antibiotics which may create a favourable environment for the yeast to grow.

(c)Pregnancy and/or contraceptive pills which changes hormone levels, creates an ideal environment for the growth of the yeast.

(d)Diabetes which results in high levels of sugar in the blood and urine and facilitates overgrowth of yeast.

(e) Tight clothing which creates a warm, moist environment, encouraging the yeast to grow.

(f) Infection from the bowel which gets carried to the vagina.

(g) Sexual intercourse which may damage the vaginal tissues, thereby increasing the risk of vaginal candidiasis.


1.Vaginal candidiasis is a common vaginal infection caused by the overgrowth of a tiny yeast (fungus) called Candida, which is normally present in the vagina.

2.Many women suffer from this infection at some point in their lives.


1.Vaginal discharge is a clear or whitish fluid which comes out from your vagina. (One will probably notice it as a creamy white stain on one's panty).

2.This discharge helps to prevent one's vagina from drying out and helps protect it against infections.

3.It is completely normal if the discharge is a clear and whitish liquid and has no unpleasant odour.

4.However, any discharge which smells unpleasant or is thick or is yellowish or darker or causes itching or burning can be a sign of infection and thus one should see a doctor who can recommend the right treatment to you.


1.Pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS is the name given to symptoms which one might experience 1-14 days before one's periods begin.

2.These symptoms may be physical and or psychological and include cramps, bloating, headaches, back ache, tenderness of the breasts.

3.Some cures for PMS symptoms and cramps is to ensure minimum fatty foods and refined sugar as these items lead to PMS especially if one is overweight.

4.Eat more fruit, vegetables cereals, and whole grains and drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.

5. Regular exercise increases blood and oxygen circulation, easing cramps.


1. Most girls start having periods between the ages of 10 and 16. There is no right time, your periods will start when your body is ready.

2. Most women have a period each month.

3.The average time between periods is about 28 days, but for some women it can be less and for some it can be more. Anywhere between 20 and 36 days is normal.

4 . A periods normally lasts for a few days – usually somewhere between 3 days and 7 days. Unless you become pregnant this cycle will repeat itself every month until menopause-when menstruation ends completely.


1.Periods, or menstruation is a natural part of every woman’s life and nothing to be worried or embarrassed about.

2.A period is when you lose some fluid, including blood from your vagina (an opening between your legs).

3.Each month a soft lining thickens inside your uterus (womb). If you become pregnant, this lining is needed to look after and nourish the growing baby. If you don’t become pregnant, this lining is not needed and most of it leaves your body through your vagina. This is a' period' and is a sign of a normal and healthy body.


1.Puberty usually starts between the age of 10 to 16 and lasts for a few years.

2.Everyone is different, so don’t worry about when you start – your body will decide when it feels right.


1.Be patient, don’t expect your skin to improve overnight.

2. A healthy diet is the first step towards healthy, beautiful skin.

3. Use a specialist face wash or cleanser, twice a day.

4. Do not squeeze or pop pimples. This can leave lasting scars.

5 . Different types of hair require different treatment.

6. Anti-dandruff shampoos help in maintaining healthy, beautiful hair.

7. Use transfer resist make-up for the “just applied” look. Revlon nail enamel has more than 80 colours to experiment the look which suits a personality.


1.To get a neat and clean finish, apply nail enamel in three brush strokes. In the first stroke, cover the center of the nail. Then apply the nail enamel on either side, close to the nail wall with the remaining two strokes.

2.Traditional application : This is one of the most common styles, where the entire nail plate is covered with nail enamel.

3. French application : This is the style where one use tow colours. First colour the nail plate in pink or beige, and then paint the free edge of the nail in white.

4. Application that makes nails look longer : This style creates an optical illusion that make the nails longer than they really are. The entire nail plate plate is enameled, leaving a slightly larger gap than usual along the nail walls.

5. Reverse French Application :This style involves applying enamel over the entire nail plate, except the lower moon area of the nail. For shorter nails, select pale neutral colours. Darker or more dramatic colours suit healthy nails.

6. How to keep nails healthy :To prevent discolouring/yellowing of nails. Remove enamel regularly to allow nails to breathe. Use acetone – free extra gentle remover to protect nails and avoid any further damage.


1.On your wedding day, one is bound to go through a number of emotions. Laughter and tears may intermingle with one's make-up.

2.To look one's best , use transfer resistant make-up which stays on for hours and looks fresh. Use a choice of concealers, foundations & lip colors in shades that suit Indian skin tones from a good company.

3.This make – up also does wonders for woman on the move, as it requies minimum touch up and stay presentable all day long.


1.Applying cake make-up can give you a made- up look, which is actually out.

2.Expressive eyes and well done lips are always in and can be carried off naturally with spunk. Two good tools to help you with this look are Liquid Lip i.e non – transfer gloss lip color and Quick Thick Mascara. Just put on your lip colour, brush on the Mascara and you are ready to go.


1. Malassezia, believed to be leading cause of dandruff, is a naturally occurring fungus on the skin and is very difficult, if not impossible, to completely eliminate.

2.However, consistent use of a good dandruff shampoo can help prevent and control the fungus and its flaky by- products.


1.Dandruff occurs when the scalp sheds more than the normal amount of dead epidermal (outer skin) cells.

2.The best way to handle a dandruff problem is regular use of specialist dandruff shampoos.

3. If one has a dandruff problem, use dandruff shampoos regularly – use it to treat the problem and also to prevent it from coming back.


1. Be patient, don’t expect your skin to improve overnight.

2. A healthy diet is the first step towards healthy, beautiful skin.

3. Use a specialist face wash or cleanser, twice a day.

4. Do not squeeze or pop pimples. This can leave lasting scars.

5. Different types of hair require different treatment.

6. Anti-dandruff shampoos help in maintaining healthy, beautiful hair.


1. Try this quiz to understand your hair type, and what you should do about it.

2. Keep a track of whether you get mostly As, Bs or Cs as you look at these aspects of your hair.







Looks greasy



Dry/split ends

Greasy at the roots


Style holds normally



Frequency of wash

Twice a week

Once a week

Every 1-2 d3

3. If RESULT maximum As :- Your hair is normal. Use a shampoo for normal hair to wash and nourish it, and protect it with a rinse conditioner for normal hair.

4. If RESULT maximum Bs: Your hair has a fine/greasy tendency. A balanced formula shampoo and rinse conditioner for fine or greasy hair allows you to wash, nourish and protect it without weighing it down.

5. If RESULT maximum Cs : Your hair is dry. It needs to be washed and nourished deeply with a shampoo for dry/damaged hair and protected with a rinse conditioner for dry/damaged hair.


1. We have around 5 million hairs on our body and 100,000 on our head.

2. The hair on one's head grows at about 1cm per month.

3. Hair grows more in the day than night, and more in summer than winter.

4. Most people lose between 50 to 150 hairs every day.


1. Wash your face 4-5 times during the day.

2. Use a specialized cleanser to unclog pores.

3. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, because adequate rest is essential.

4. Have healthy food such as fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk and eggs.

5. Do some exercise for ½ to 1 hour at least 3 times a week. The routine is up to an individual, make up something one enjoy and is comfortable with to undertake without going to extreme limits.

6. Drink lots of water (6-7 litres a day)


1. Acne, or pimples, is one of the most common teenage skin problems, which is also of primary concern among young adults all over the globe.

2. While acne is temporary in nature, its appearance can cause much annoyance and depression among youngsters.


1. Too much washing can actually be bad for one's skin, as the drying effect may end up producing more oil.

2. Thus exercise restraint while washing face too frequently.

3. In case you operate in a dust type environment then instead of cleaning face more frequently with soap ,it will be a good idea to wash face with normal water.

4. It is to be remembered that water is the best cleansing agent and cleans dust very effectively.


1. While this depends on the type of soap one uses however, in general, normal soaps dry out one's skin and leave traces of soap which may block the pores.

2. Ideally,one should also use skin cleansers to ensure optimum maintenance of skin.


1. Skin cleansers are of different types as listed below:

(a) Medicated face-washes :- These are better than ordinary soap for cleansing skin, as they remove bacteria more effectively and avoid over-drying. Most are developed for the delicate skin on your face.

(b) Medicated lotions :-These contain anti-bacterial ingredients, which unclog the pores by removing the daily build-up grease and dirt. These are more effective than ordinary cleansers.

(c) Medicated face-pads :- These are great because they are quick and easy to use. They are pre-soaked in anti-bacterial solutions to cleanse to pores, and they leave behind anti-spot ingredients to help prevent new ones from forming.


1. Your skin can vary from being oily to dry, from normal to extremely sensitive.

2. You can identify your skin type by looking at your ‘T-zone’. This is the ‘T’ shape that is formed if you imagine a line across your forehead and down your nose.

3. Healthy skin needs a combination of hydration (moisture) and oil.

4. The type of skin care you need, is determined by your skin type.

Skin Type

How to identify

Skin care objectives

Basic Care recommended


Your T-zone is normally very shiny

You should try to reduce the excess oil on the surface, while making sure your skin is hydrated enough

Use a deep pore gel cleanser. Follow up with a light scrub and a light non-oily moisturizer


Your T-zone is dry and your skin tends to have flaky, dry patches.

You should try to increase the moisture as well as hydration on your skin

Use a cleanser followed by a freshener and moisturizer and moisturizer for dry skin, for dry skin, for that glowing look


You have some oiliness on your T-zone but other parts of your skin tend to be normal or dry

You should try to balance the dry and oily areas, and ensure that your skin is well hydrated

Use a gel cleanser and a toner. Follow up with a light moisturizer


Your skin gets easily irritated, and is prone to inflammation

You need to maintain a good moisture balance, while avoiding irritation

Use a delicate cleanser and freshener followed by a light moisturizer


1. Whether one is 16, 25 or 45, taking care of one's skin is always a priority and to progress further we will understand the fact that our skin has three layers which is elucidated below:
(a) Epidermis :- It is the outer protective layer, which is there to keep out water, pollutants, the sun’s harmful rays and bacteria.
(b) Dermis :- It is the support structure of the skin, which lies below the epidermis. This layer is made up of blood vessels, nerves , sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Sweat glands help maintain one's body temperature. Sebaceous glands secrete an oil called sebum which helps to keep the skin moist.
(c) Subcutaneous tissue :- It is a fatty tissue layer below the dermis, which gives shape to one's body as well as keeps one's body as well as keeps one's body heat in and the cold out.


1. I take the opportunity to launch this blog on the eve of Women's day and dedicate the content to all the women of the world who are the torch bearers for any nation.
2. This blog will provide quality information about health,beauty and healthy sex tips and will cover the ladies sexual problems in particular with solutions to overcome these sexual problems.I hope that I will be able to use my Knowledge acquired as a Doctor to its fullest extent with support from my family as ours is a family of Doctors having specialised in numerous fields.
3. This blog is equally applicable for men folk as they say you must know the psyche of a women to enjoy your life with her.
Happy Reading And Benefitting Gloriously.